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Written by V. Janousek


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Saturnin is a collection of scripts that perform otherwise rather tedious zircon, monazite and apatite saturation calculations in igneous geochemistry. It is written in a freeware R language.

The scripts have been tested in R for Windows, version 2.2.1. While the Windows users would probably find it easier to access the programme as a part of the continuously updated larger package GCDkit, on Macintosh OS X and Linux it can be invoked as a stand-alone application.

The programme requires plain text files delimited by tabulators in which each row represents one sample and individual variables (major and minor elements, Zr, and, or LREE concentrations) are in columns. See the corresponding manual entry for further details. 

Download & run instructions

  • Download and install R (the R 2.2.1 for Windows can be downloaded here. Alternatively use the nearest mirror.
  • Download  saturnin.r.
  • Run R and then load the script using the standard "source" command.
  • If in doubts, read the manual or the accompanying publication:

    Janousek V. (2006): Saturnin, R language script for application of accessory-mineral saturation models in igneous geochemistry. Geologica Carpathica, 57(2) 131-142.

    Visit the journal's site or download the local pdf file (778 kB).


Vojtech Janousek

Last changes: May 2, 2006